Saturday, August 25, 2012

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

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The faint sound of a car coming, not two minutes later, came downstairs to the garden door directions twice a car horn.
Mrs. Scarlett Lunstad out later, Thomas Smokin Rand stood there made a good while to stay, then come to a messy bed, plunge down on the bed, struggling to cover their own blankets casually adjusted the position of the pillow. after a moment, in the golden increasingly concentrated dawn, the bedroom burst into his huge, sweet Hansheng ...
In this sweet and get more sleep, Thomas is a dream do not have to do, until the ringing of the phone in the bedroom to wake him, he opened his eyes and found that already, lying in bed looking outwards, outside the window the weather became cloudy. fast-moving clouds in the gray sky. a telephone call to stop, and then rang out, and then stop, then again sounded, and then this stopped after no longer sounded. Thomas Smokin Rand lay there, quietly recalled earlier in the sleep phone rang a few times. total sound 4 sound, he had come to a conclusion, and then shuddered - it is now the first week in August, he remembered the letter a secret letter to his notice: ... August audit ...
Dot the estate in Kent, is mainly used for the training of the personnel capacity to act, estate near the Royal Army non-commissioned officers training school, so the shots do not cause training to passers-by at random suspicion. Estate and outdoor environment, gives the impression of this manor, but in 1914 took part in the dot action of the external staff capacity short-term training Thomas Smokin Rand know: within the manor house is dreadful to sleep at night, he often rat running,north face bionic jacket, leading to the roof is about to peel off the wall ash fall from time to time you look! So when the second Wednesday of August, he walk in the gardens of the estate within the road

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

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Really terror, have been sent out, why come back? It would be a thousand years of resentment it? ... Not too surprising, after all, before that, five brothers have create a similar record of the
Fog barrier, see is not real, just frightens Since the news during the bloodstains, Xu Liewu feel the pain that enough people crazy, do not understand is what gives so firm Tiancaosilang will, but do not understand why he was appears, this is something he can not be inferred with wisdom.
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Xu Liewu feel strange, speed up the stature attached to swept to go, the brain actually happen to think one thing. Although hand, foot and mobility Tiancaosilang but Paul still has a day bit of force that can have an impact on the war situation and, more importantly, their so rushed toward him in the past, it will ...
Noted that the matter Xu Liewu always alert, so late, it is an unforgivable mistake. Had a chance to be some move he saw Tiancaosilang suddenly turned around and came toward the side of a smile, raised the twisted arm ...
Bang, being self-preoccupied, staring at the circle change all to see the Lightning a white shadow rushed, swift pace under severe, suddenly jumped to the head of the crowd.
Xu Liewu? He finally shot! Several sharp-eyed Dragon Knight to see this person, and always worried about their Xu Liewu will intervene war situation, and immediately an uproar up.
Dole and spent the day evil eye is higher than the Dragon Warrior too much, not yet confirmed the bearer of identity, it has been seen from the posture and position, this person is not to dodge Jilue up, but a powerful force in throwing thrown out, in other words, gives the blow fly.
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But, when the shadows are slowly coming out from the bottom of the ice Lan fog, the expression of the people by the incredible, rapidly converted to peace of mind.
Lu old man was useless, even such an old thing beat to death, you do not we wait for